A post from the heart…

*dusts, anti-bac wipes and even busts out the hoover*

Ahhh. Now we have a fresh, clean surface it is time to stretch my fingers and relearn how to blog – crazy to be saying that! There was a time where I couldn’t imagine ever not blogging, it was my little corner of the net where I could write, share and connect with so many beautiful souls. And honestly, the FEAR of nobody being here anymore, the fear that I have failed with this space has really kept me away.

I’ve still paid the domain fee yearly and occasionally I would look back at my site and sigh, with a mixture of pride and sadness. But. No more. From the 10th of April 2020, I am committing to posting once a week, every single Friday. I envisage the majority of the posts to be beauty reviews/comparisons etc. However, I think this will become more of a lifestyle outlet too, as my Youtube has evolved into as well.

I guess the reality is, as life rapidly changes, you inevitably will too. What was once a deep and burning passion for sharing only makeup content, then became a source of help for those who wanted to go into teaching too and then…I got married! And want(ed) to share travel bits and life bits too. So take what you will, I will NOT be offended if all you care for is the makeup side of things, I get ya.

For me, the NEED to have an outlet is stronger now than ever, when I’ve moved far from my friends and family and especially with this lock-down situation we are currently living through, it is easy to sink into a darker place. I’m happy. But I’m also sad, lonely, my expectations are too high and my ability to be enough – good enough, efficient enough, productive enough just isn’t adding up anymore. Okay this Friday isn’t the best day to start, my emotions are fragile and I’ve cried twice already…once while cleaning and once while listening to Mufti Menk (video here), and feeling a renowned sense of hope.

Anyway, I hope if you read this, it made some sort of sense to you. My main goal with my blog is 1. to inform/advise 2. to vent/relate. Also please bare with me, whilst I learn how to blog again – I genuinely have forgotten my whole photo editing process, sizings, formatting etc D: but we will get there!

This place isn’t about the number of views, or the comments.

It is, perhaps selfishly, just for myself.

But if you are into this type of writings from the heart, then I welcome you with a warm online hug.

Iqra | The Blushing Giraffe


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